National Human Services Assembly

COVID-19 Resources

The following is a compiled list of COVID-19 related articles, websites, factsheets, toolkits, and more that have previously appeared in the NHSA Exchange issues. If you would like to receive these newsletters directly to your inbox, sign up for our newsletters.

If you are one of our members or a sector partner and you have content you would like to submit for the next issue, please email it to us at

Resources & Articles

Featured NHSA Resources

In the order they were featured in past newsletters

Funding Opportunities

In the order they were featured in past newsletters

Become a Member

Are you interested in joining our network of nonprofit human service organizations to be a part of the collective voice of the sector? Find out more about membership with the National Assembly and all of the benefits that come with.

National Reframing Initiative

Build public support for human services so that all people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to thriving communities.