NCY Initiatives & Programs

NCY Initiatives and Programs
Beyond Bars
“Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe at Home and Out of Youth Prisons,” is a publication of the National Collaboration for Youth, produced with significant input and work from National Assembly and NCY member, Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. The report should serve as a handbook for juvenile justice administrators, legislators, judges, the non-profit community and youth advocates for how to end the practice of youth incarceration, promote public safety and restore a sense of belonging for our young people in their homes and neighborhoods. Our collective experiences tell us that communities that are often characterized by intense needs also have extraordinary assets that can be easily overlooked. We advocate for leveraging those assets as one means to meet those intense needs, and providing greater resources for neighborhood-based services and programs.
- Executive Summary
- Full Report
- Press Release
- Video: Beyond Bars (9 mins)
- Video: What’s the Alternative? (1 hr 44 mins)
- WEBINAR: Watch the recorded webinar online and download the slides.
Generation to Generation
Generation to Generation (Gen2Gen) is a diverse, action-oriented community of people who believe that experience matters, and that the goal of later life isn’t trying to remain young: it’s to be there for those who actually are. Because every child deserves a web of support, and every older adult has something to give. The campaign shines a light on the mutual benefits of intergenerational relationships already happening, and features countless opportunities for people to get involved. National Assembly is partnered with Gen2Gen to provide information and resources to our members. If you work with youth or older adults and are interested in the initiative, join now.
On the Road to Unlocked!: Investing in Our Children and Our Communities
The National Human Service Assembly, Youth Advocate Programs, and the Social Justice Initiative of Bryn Mawr College are pleased to host a series of live web-based events discussing what communities can do to create a robust system of care that supports, nurtures, and best serves youth and their families while keeping communities safe. Watch past sessions online.
Ready By 21
We all know that real solutions to improve outcomes for children and youth require more than just working harder. The National Collaboration for Youth has joined a new national partnership, Ready by 21 which brings together national leaders in government, business, education, and youth and community development to ensure that all young people are ready for college, work, and life by age 21.
Our work as the National Collaboration for Youth is to:
- Bring the message and Ready by 21 tools into our own youth-serving systems;
- Support learning networks at the national and local level with knowledge, tools and peer support to “go the distance” to ensure all children are Ready by 21.
Effective campaigns cost money. Savvy communication requires both the know-how and capacity to reach target audiences. In-depth reporting takes time and skills. And sometimes it feels like it takes a village just to stay on top of the latest news and data. What if there were a way to join your skills and passion with the tools and skills of others to reach a broader audience?
The National Collaboration for Youth is pleased to be among the forces behind SparkAction, a one-stop journalism and advocacy center by and for the child and youth field. SparkAction has the latest resources from organizations across the field, as well as feature articles, videos and a high-tech interactive Action Center to help you share knowledge, reach a broad audience, and spark meaningful action. Check out and subscribe to the biweekly e-newsletter, The Update!
Youth Today
Youth Today provides quality, independent journalism and training for professionals who work to ensure that all our children reach their full personal, educational and societal potential. The publication’s aim is to help the general public, practitioners, educators, parents, youth, funders, advocates, policymakers and lawmakers better understand out-of-school time issues both singularly and as a part of the larger child welfare, societal and educational ecosystems.
Youth Today provides discounted subscriptions to all members and friends of the National Assembly. Get the discount codes online.