
Staying Safe at Work & Home: PPE & More

September 16, 2020 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join us on to learn more about Staples’ offerings in each of the categories on-contract. Experts will provide helpful information on:

  • Best practices for returning to the workplace
  • Outfitting employees to work from home, covering many of the products and solutions they have available and in stock
  • Your questions about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how to order the quantities that are right for your organization
  • Offer insight into the current PPE market environment

Staples is your one-stop-shop vendor in the PurchasingPoint program, offering many products your organization needs to reopen and continue business in a safe manner. Better yet, many of these items are at discounted prices for program participants, and Staples is working daily to ensure these products are in stock.


Webinar co-hosted by the PurchasingPoint team and Staples. This webinar is open for anyone to attend. If you would like to take advantage of the discounted pricing and products or solutions offered by Staples, your organization will need to be registered with PurchasingPoint.