Advocacy Messages for the Congressional Recess
August 10, 2017Congress is on recess for August, providing advocates across the country with opportunities to connect directly with their representatives, including at town halls, district office meetings, and program site visits. These are perfect opportunities to provide policymakers with a better understanding of how federal human service programs foster well-being to the benefit of entire communities.
In the May 18th newsletter, we shared sample health care policy messages developed by FrameWorks Institute that use reframing science to explain the impact of proposed changes to the health care system. With Congressional leaders considering their options for moving forward following the recent Affordable Care Act “repeal and replace” defeat in the Senate, these messages are just as relevant now as they were in May.
This week, we’re sharing another great advocacy resource, this time focused on federal food and nutrition programs. The sample message, developed by FrameWorks in partnership with A Place at the Table, is designed to increase support for federal nutrition programs by cultivating the public’s knowledge of how the programs work, who benefits, and why they should be a public policy priority. The message can be incorporated into advocacy communications such as talking points, blog posts, letters to the editor, and action alerts for advocacy networks. Thank you to Julie Sweetland from FrameWorks for sharing this message with us. Please feel free to incorporate the language below into your advocacy communications and share it with your networks. Visit to find out more about the campaign.

Source: A Place at the Table,
Federal Nutrition Programs Sample Message
Our communities are strongest when everyone can participate and contribute fully to our community life, our economy, and our democracy. That is one reason why federal programs that provide access to healthy food are a wise use of our public budgets: they fuel the human potential all around us, which affects everyone.The budget that was proposed by the White House would seriously weaken the nationwide programs that make sure that Americans can access food at different stages of life – infants and nursing mothers, school-age children, unemployed adults, and retired older adults. Right now, 42 million Americans already don’t get enough healthy food to eat. If this budget is put into place, we’re at risk of further weakening the wellbeing of our communities.Of course, our elected representatives in Congress still have a chance to steer the budget in a different direction. I’m in support of fully funding, and even expanding, the policies and programs that make sure that American potential is running on a full tank. Please join me by [CALL TO ACTION – suggestions below.]
Political:…letting your representatives know that you don’t want to see a budget that cuts access to nutrition support programs.
Civic: …talking to your friends and family about why food security programs are important to our communities.