National Human Services Assembly
public-policy article

Bill Highlight: People CARE Act (H.R. 841)

April 25, 2019

In January, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) introduced the People CARE Act to establish a People-Centered Assistance Reform Effort Commission with the goal to restructure means-tested programs in a way that would transition program recipients off of their benefits. This vast piece of legislation would impact “any federal program that is designed to specifically provide assistance […]

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public-policy article

National Assembly Joins Supreme Court Briefs in Census Case

April 4, 2019

On Monday, the National Assembly joined two “friends of the court” briefs in support of the respondents in the case before the Supreme Court addressing the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census. One brief, led by the National Council of Nonprofits, detailed how the citizenship question would have a negative impact on […]

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public-policy article

Bill Highlight: The Families Belong Together Act (H.R. 883 & S. 271)

March 27, 2019

Although media attention has waned on the issue of family separation, the harmful consequences of past policies persist. The National Assembly closely follows immigration issues that impact families and youth, including legislation that would begin to rectify the harm caused by last year’s “zero tolerance” policy. Earlier this year, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and Sen. […]

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public-policy article

National Assembly Circulates Legislative Priorities to Members of Congress

February 27, 2019

Last Tuesday, the National Assembly distributed a summary of our legislative priorities to the Chiefs of Staff for all 535 Members of the 116th Congress. We hope you will join us in the coming months to leverage our sector’s collective expertise to advance policies that support human services, build well-being, and promote thriving communities. We […]

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public-policy article

Action Needed on Transportation UBIT

February 25, 2019

Last year’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act imposed a 21-percent unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on nonprofits for expenses they incur in providing their employees with transportation fringe benefits, such as parking and transit passes. The new tax went into effect January 1, 2019. There is bipartisan support for repealing this tax on tax-exempt organizations. Bills pending in the 116th Congress, H.R. […]

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