Good News? – Message from the CEO
July 19, 2018Like most of you, a number of different reports and news stories cross my (virtual) desk each week. It’s impossible to keep up with all of them, but I try to do my best to stay current. I also recognize that I will be seeing a multitude of viewpoints, and that, at times, materials that […]
Highlights from Essential Conversations on Human Services
June 21, 2018The events of the past year have made the important conversations we had last week at our 2018 Annual Convening more timely than ever. Sometimes conversations on immigration, youth activism, gun control, equity, the state of our sector, and the need for factual-based information in politics are difficult to have, but we know they are […]
Omnibus Spending Bill Supports Community Well-Being
March 28, 2018Last week, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 to fund the government through the end of September. One notable aspect of the agreement is what was left out—the bill includes no language to repeal or weaken the Johnson Amendment. While the human service sector should be proud of this victory, Tim Delaney, CEO of the National […]
Governing Magazine: “Tax Law Could Deliver Billion-Dollar Blow to Social Services”
January 18, 2018Yesterday, Governing magazine published the article, “Tax Law Could Deliver Billion-Dollar Blow to Social Services,” which quotes NHSA CEO Lee Sherman. It also includes quotes and insight from NHSA board member David Thompson, from National Council of Nonprofits, and other sector leaders from Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (Marlo Nash), American Public Human Services Association, and Independent Sector.
Benefits of Group Purchasing Programs for Nonprofits
October 17, 2017Members of 501(c) Agencies Trust have known about the incredible cost saving benefits of group purchasing programs for nearly a decade. Almost six years ago, our members began a partnership with the National Human Services Assembly and joined PurchasingPoint®. PurchasingPoint has access to more than 200 vendors with contracted discounted rates that allows us to […]