National Human Services Assembly
public-policy news

Nonprofit Campaign to Prevent Another Government Shutdown

February 4, 2019

Colleagues, The 35-day federal government shutdown ended with a temporary spending measure to give the President and Congress time to negotiate a resolution to their dispute without the ongoing disruption and pain inflicted on millions of individuals, nonprofit organizations, government contractors, and the public. That truce, in the form of a short-term funding bill, expires […]

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public-policy article

Letter to Federal Leaders Raising the Sector’s Concerns Over Government Shutdown

January 24, 2019

This morning, the National Human Services Assembly sent the following letter to House and Senate Leadership, and the White House: President Trump, Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer: The National Human Services Assembly, an organization comprised of many of the largest national nonprofit human service organizations, stands with the majority of the […]

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public-policy article

Federal Judge Strikes Citizenship Question from 2020 Census

January 17, 2019

Since the Census Bureau announced the inclusion of a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, the National Assembly has called for its removal. Adding the question would lead to a significant undercount and undermine the apportionment of congressional seats in some of the most populous states and urban areas, many of which have large immigrant populations. […]

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public-policy article

Public Charge and Johnson Amendment Issues Still Alive

January 3, 2019

In 2018, NHSA followed the administration’s proposed Public Charge rule closely. We participated in the Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition, submitted public comments to the Department of Homeland Security opposing the rule in its entirety, and provided guidance for organizations to do the same. In all, over 210,000 comments were submitted by the December 10 deadline, […]

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public-policy resource

What the Hill–SE1:EP3 “Public Charge Comments Deadline”

November 28, 2018

 The deadline to submit public comments on the administration’s proposed “public charge” rule is December 10. If promulgated, the rule would change the definition of public charge from a person who is “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence” to an immigrant “who receives one or more public benefits.” It would also expand the list […]

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