The Latest on Immigration Policy
April 26, 2018NHSA supports a practical approach to immigration policy that will help everyone reach their full potential so that we can all contribute to our communities in meaningful ways. We recently released talking points to help the human service sector convey how immigration helps our economy grow with shared prosperity. While the urgency by lawmakers to […]
Ensuring an Accurate 2020 Census
April 16, 2018The organizations that comprise the human service sector share a common mission: to help everyone reach their full potential and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. Over 300 programs that help lay the foundation for strong communities rely on accurate census data for funding. An inaccurate census count threatens well-being by compromising funding for […]
Omnibus Spending Bill Supports Community Well-Being
March 28, 2018Last week, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 to fund the government through the end of September. One notable aspect of the agreement is what was left out—the bill includes no language to repeal or weaken the Johnson Amendment. While the human service sector should be proud of this victory, Tim Delaney, CEO of the National […]
Higher Education Act Reauthorization on the Horizon
March 16, 2018The reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) is a step toward helping everyone to reach their full potential because it provides entryways for access to affordable and high-quality post-secondary education opportunities. Last December, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce introduced its reauthorization legislation called the PROSPER Act. The bill is concerning because it would scale […]
Protect the Johnson Amendment
March 16, 2018Last fall, advocacy by social service nonprofit, religious, and philanthropic organizations helped prevent Congress from including a provision in the final version of the tax bill that would have repealed the Johnson Amendment. Now, your voice is needed again as Members of Congress are preparing to vote next week on the “omnibus spending bill” that will […]