general news

Lee Sherman to Retire in November

September 5, 2019

An Announcement From the Board of Directors

On behalf of the National Human Services Assembly Board of Directors, I am writing to share that President & CEO Lee I. Sherman has announced his retirement from the National Assembly effective November 30, 2019.

Lee Sherman staff photo nature backgroundAs we say farewell, we want to express our gratitude to Lee for his leadership of the National Assembly during a critical time of transition for our organization.

During his term of service, Lee worked diligently to advance structural priorities and to launch exciting, new initiatives to help ensure a bright future for the organization. While Lee’s accomplishments touch on every facet of our mission – including national collaboration, two-gen, and equity initiatives – we would like to highlight the valuable work he did that will continue to add vitality and strength to our network of members, which includes:

  • Enhancing PurchasingPoint, the organization’s discount group purchasing program and premier member benefit;
  • Carrying forward the National Reframing Human Services Initiative, which works to leverage nonprofit leadership and build deeper understanding of the sector’s work by changing the human services narrative; and,
  • Launching PolicySource, an innovative and free public tool, that provides member organizations with a powerful online database that can search and track relevant national legislation.

In stepping down from his current role, Lee Sherman notes, “It has been a privilege to work in partnership with a committed board, talented staff, and so many generous funders and supportive members of the National Human Services Assembly. I look forward to carrying all of the creativity and passion we shared for advancing the bold and transformative work of nonprofit organizations into my next endeavors.”

We want to assure you that as we begin our search for a successor, Lee Sherman will continue serving as the National Assembly’s president and CEO. I hope you will join me, the members of the Board, and so many others in our community in thanking Lee for his leadership, service, and commitment to the National Assembly and in wishing him well in his new ventures.


Jeff Fleischer, Chair, Board of Directors

National Human Services Assembly


UPDATE: November 2019 – The National Human Services Assembly Board of Directors has chosen to place an Interim CEO for a temporary time before beginning the search for a permanent CEO. More will be released in the coming weeks regarding the public search for Mr. Sherman’s successor. All media inquiries can be directed to Michelle Sims, Director of Marketing.