National Assembly Today
Public Comments on OMB Proposed Revisions to Government Grants
March 10, 2020This week, the National Assembly, in partnership with the National Council of Nonprofits, submitted initial comments to the Office of Management and Budget regarding the proposed revisions to government grants, specifically on the subject of indirect cost reimbursements, which are a crucial funding component to nonprofits. This came on the same day as a special […]
New Video Builds Awareness for Human Services in Illinois
March 5, 2020Last year, we told you about the success of National Reframing Initiative partner Illinois Partners for Human Service’s digital marketing campaign, “Our Shared Human Story” (OSHS). OSHS “is a campaign aimed at increasing awareness of the sector and changing public perception of human services.” Illinois Partners, a statewide coalition of over 800 human service organizations, […]
Issue Feature: Calculating Poverty in the United States
February 27, 2020By Zachary Tashman In early February, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearing entitled, “A Threat to America’s Children: The Trump Administration’s Proposed Changes to the Poverty Line Calculation” in reaction to a May 2019 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) public notice widely seen as raising the possibility of changing the […]
What We Are Learning About the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap – Sector Leadership Spot
February 24, 2020By Frances Kunreuther, Building Movement Project The Building Movement Project (BMP) is a national research, resource, and training organization that pushes and challenges nonprofit organizations to integrate social justice principles into their work. We do this by working on various projects across our three focus areas: movement building, service and social change, and leadership. Last […]
Media’s Response to 2021 Budget Reinforces Need for Reframing
February 20, 2020Earlier this month, the Administration released its Fiscal Year 2021 budget with expected funding cuts to several human service programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid, as well as eliminating funding for others such as after school programs and the Community Development Block Grant. And expectedly, media headlines followed citing decreased funding […]