National Assembly Today
Expert Reframes Early Childhood Development
November 14, 2019We love seeing reframing used in different contexts and venues. So we were delighted to read a September 26, 2019 Brookings Institution/Brown Center Chalkboard article by Dr. Dana Suskind, “What cutting-edge neuroscience tells us about early childhood development,” that uses framing techniques to broaden the conversation about research on language and brain development. Suskind is […]
What’s in a Name? – Message From the CEO
November 7, 2019Many of us can recall the childhood playground rejoinder: “Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Perhaps not always successful in devastating your adversary, but, at least, it mostly worked to end a verbal sparring match. And, most importantly, this phrase served as a reminder that our names are […]
Supplemental Security Income In the 116th Congress
November 6, 2019By Zachary Tashman The SSI Program The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program was established in 1972 under Title 16 of the Social Security Act. The stated goal of SSI was to improve economic conditions for older adults and people with disabilities. The SSI program supplies monthly cash assistance for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. […]
Reframing Tricks and Treats to Avoid Fatalism
October 31, 2019Happy Halloween! To celebrate the holiday, we’re reviewing some common ways the human service sector can undercut its communications’ goals — specifically tactics that “spook” our audiences by activating a sense of fatalism, or a misperception that challenges are too big, complex and entrenched to address or solve. This limited outlook means the public thinks […]
Administration Proposes Third SNAP Regulation This Year
October 29, 2019On October 3rd, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a Proposed Rule on the Standardization of State Heating and Cooling Standard Utility Allowances. The regulation would prevent states from establishing utility and housing allowances when determining Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. This provision allows individuals and families who spend more than half their income […]