National Assembly Today
Signs and Sparks – Message From the CEO
March 28, 2019It seems that most days, I am just looking for a small sign. An act of kindness. A moment of grace. A word or gesture that raises the spirit. In the chaotic and often mean-spirited world in which we live, it can be difficult to see and hear these signs. But, they are there – […]
Bill Highlight: The Families Belong Together Act (H.R. 883 & S. 271)
March 27, 2019Although media attention has waned on the issue of family separation, the harmful consequences of past policies persist. The National Assembly closely follows immigration issues that impact families and youth, including legislation that would begin to rectify the harm caused by last year’s “zero tolerance” policy. Earlier this year, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) and Sen. […]
Hammer Home the Building Well-Being Narrative with the Construction Metaphor
March 21, 2019The explanatory construction metaphor is integral to a well-framed Building Well-Being Narrative because it provides the public with a more complete and productive picture of what human services are and how they work by relating them to something that is more easily and intuitively understood. This prevents the public from defaulting to inaccurate cultural models […]
Support for the Dream and Promise Act of 2019
March 12, 2019The Human Service Sector Backs the New Immigration Policy that Supports Well-Being FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C., March 12, 2019 – Today, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) introduced the Dream and Promise Act of 2019, a bill that provides a pathway to citizenship for young immigrants, and would help immigrant families and communities reach their full […]
Reframed Digital Campaign a Big Success for Illinois Partners
March 7, 2019Our long-time National Reframing Initiative partner, Illinois Partners for Human Service, recently launched “Our Shared Human Story” (OSHS), a digital marketing campaign aimed at promoting the value of human services as well as raising awareness of Illinois Partners, a statewide coalition of over 800 human service organizations. Illinois Partners worked diligently to integrate the FrameWorks […]