National Assembly Today
The Chronicle: Lee Sherman on the Administration’s Proposal to Reorganize the Federal Government
August 16, 2018Yesterday, an opinion piece authored by CEO Lee Sherman was published in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, presenting a strong argument against parts of the Administration’s proposal to reorganize the government that would have a significant impact on the human service sector. Here is a short excerpt from the article: “Human services affect all of us […]
Board and National Assembly Members Make the NPT Power & Influence Top 50
August 16, 2018Congratulations to two National Assembly board members, Susan Dreyfus (Alliance for Strong Families and Communities) and Melanie Herman (Nonprofit Risk Management Center), for being named in the Nonprofit Times Power and Influence Top 50. Several other NHSA members also made the list: Jeffrey Bradach (Bridespan Group), Tim Delaney (National Council of Nonprofits), James Firman (National […]
Are Your Numbers Telling the Right Story?
August 9, 2018Facts matter and data has become ubiquitous in editorials, brochures, social media posts, websites, and other products. We in the human service sector tend to use numbers as advocacy tools, to portray the needs of our constituencies and communities, and to share the scope of our programs. Unfortunately, these common uses of data often fail […]
National Assembly Comments on Census Citizenship Question
August 7, 2018The National Assembly submitted comments to the Census Bureau today opposing the inclusion of the untested and unnecessary citizenship question on the 2020 Census. We also urged the Bureau to expand its community outreach efforts, and to investigate thoroughly and implement the best methods for obtaining census responses from hard to count populations and immigrant families […]
2020 Census Public Comment Deadline: August 7
August 2, 2018The National Assembly has opposed the addition of an untested citizenship question to the 2020 census since it was announced. In April, we partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure a fair and accurate count, which safeguards equitable representation and the appropriate allocation of federal funds for over 300 financial assistance programs that help […]