National Assembly Today
Voices of Change
March 9, 2018Like many of you, I have been impressed and energized by the resolve, passion, and organizational skills of the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Rather than writing a message this week, I thought it was important to share the reflections of Marie Camino, our newest staff member, on her experience at the events […]
Taking Practical Steps to Sustainable Implementation
March 8, 2018Returning this newsletter to the Resolve to Reframe themes we committed to examining in more depth, this week we’re addressing Sustainable Implementation – specific actions organizations can take to fully integrate the reframing approach into their communications as a whole, as well as maintaining consistent practice into the future. While we recently focused on the […]
What Do Our Children Tell Us? – Message From the CEO
March 1, 2018Two weeks ago, my message in this space asked the question: “What Do We Tell Our Children?” I got it wrong. I wrote that column less than twenty hours after the tragic shooting at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida. As a parent, I had immediately thought about the difficulty in explaining another […]
Join the Effort to Preserve Afterschool Funding
March 1, 2018The Afterschool Alliance is asking for organizations to join a sign-on lettercalling for funding of $1.3 billion for 21st Century Community Learning Centers within the FY19 House and Senate spending bills, and for the subcommittees to finish up FY18. With the President’s FY19 budget proposal once again calling for the elimination of afterschool funding for 1.7 million students, it […]
National Assembly Public Policy Guidelines & Procedures
February 28, 2018The National Human Human Services Assembly seeks to effect systems change in our communities through advocacy and public policy. Additionally, as a sector catalyst and member developer, the National Assembly provides members with thought leadership, networking and convening, educational resources, and strategic collaboration to mobilize them around sector-wide issues and strengthen their ability to achieve […]