National Assembly Today
Rewarding Service: How Human Service Workers Can Access ARP Funded Premium Pay
August 12, 2021By John Maki, Alliance for Safety and Justice Signed into law on March 11, 2021, the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan represents an unprecedented opportunity not only to respond to the public health crisis and economic impact of COVID-19, but also to invest in the programming and infrastructure that our country needs to help create […]
Centering Racial Equity in Measurement and Evaluation
August 12, 2021Measure4Change, a program of The World Bank Group and Urban Institute, held a virtual event with experts from the nonprofit sector implementing REI in their organizations’ measurement and evaluation processes. Presenters shared insights, challenges, and strategies for integrating both performance measurement and REI in nonprofits and highlight emerging lessons captured in Measure4Change’s newest brief, “Centering […]
Leadership Practices for Race Equity Impact
August 9, 2021NHSA hosted a virtual session on Leadership Practices for Race Equity Impact. Bianca Anderson and Monisha Kapila (NHSA board member) walked attendees through ProInspire’s Leadership Model for Race Equity Impact that supports individuals and organizations in identifying how their practices can create and sustain race equity experiences and outcomes within the social sector. The session […]
So What About “Juneteenth”?
June 18, 2021“What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?” – Fredrick Douglass Reflections from the Executive Director This is an excerpt from Frederick Douglass’ speech, “What to the Slave is the […]
Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe At Home and Out of Youth Prisons
June 16, 2021The National Assembly is proud to re-release its 2017 report advocating for a shift in the nation’s approach to supporting young people in conflict with the law by growing community capacity and resources. “Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe at Home and Out of Youth Prisons,” is a publication of the National Collaboration for Youth, […]