National Human Services Assembly

Black Youth Excel with Research-Informed Policies and Practices

Initiatives resource

Black Youth Excel with Research-Informed Policies and Practices

Racial disparities in many indicators of child well-being illustrate the need to improve Black children’s and adolescents’ experiences and outcomes across multiple domains, including education, health, child welfare, and criminal justice. To promote a deeper and more varied understanding of youth, Child Trends recently published the report “Black Children and Adolescents Can Achieve Greater Heights […]

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Collaboration resource

Pillars of Health Equity

“Access, Data, Power, and Resources: A Roadmap to Health Equity” is a white paper co-authored by NHSA member, Social Current, and other members of the Vaccine Equity Cooperative. It provides recommendations based on lessons learned from the collaborating organizations’ shared experiences at the local, state, and federal levels in responding to COVID-19 and in addressing […]

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Initiatives resource

Communicating About Racial Equity in Adolescence

The FrameWorks Institute and Health+ Studio released a new messaging playbook “Framing Racial Equity in Adolescence: Messaging Strategies for Social Change.” The playbook helps practitioners, advocates, policymakers, and journalists communicate more accurately and effectively about racism and equity and their impact on adolescent development. In addition, FrameWorks published a messaging supplement that distills these recommendations […]

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Initiatives resource

Race To Lead: Trading Glass Ceilings for Glass Cliffs

Building Movement Project (BMP) released another Race to Lead report, “Trading Glass Ceilings for Glass Cliffs,” focused on the experiences of nonprofit leaders of color. It provides data on the added demands on executive directors of identity-based organizations, the challenges that BIPOC leaders face when taking over from white predecessors, and other realities of being […]

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Initiatives resource

Advancing Equity in Juvenile Justice

New Data on Youth Incarceration The Sentencing Project released a new report, “Black Disparities in Youth Incarceration,” showing the racial inequities that still exist in our juvenile justice system. Despite long-term declines in youth incarceration, the disparity at which black and white youth are held in juvenile facilities has grown. Black youth are more than […]

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