Human Potential: A Value that Resonates
Human Potential: A Value that Resonates
Reframing works by creating a new narrative that utilizes the FrameWorks Institute’s strategic frame elements of Value, Metaphor and Explanatory Examples. In our last newsletter, we discussed the importance of leading our communications with the value of Human Potential. Here, we explain how that value was identified. A value represents an enduring belief in society […]
Lead with the Value
Over the next few newsletters, we will highlight the unique storytelling elements that work together to form the complete Building Well-Being Narrative: the Value, the Metaphor, and the Examples. This week, we’ll focus on the Value of Human Potential. When we support well-being, we make sure that everyone can reach their potential and fully contribute […]
Building Well-Being: How to Use the New Frame
After several years of rigorous research conducted by the FrameWorks Institute, we now have an overarching story that we know significantly improves the public’s understanding of what human services are and why they are important. We call it the Building Well-Being Narrative. If you missed our webinar unveiling the Building Well-Being Narrative, you can watch […]