Getting Started with the Building Well-Being Narrative
Getting Started with the Building Well-Being Narrative
As promised in the January Resolve to Reframe newsletter, we’re offering practical strategies and manageable steps to guide organizations in embedding the Building Well-Being Narrative into communications and culture with the goal of improving the audience’s understanding of how human services meet community needs with effective solutions. Where Do We Start with Reframing? A good […]
Framing the Challenges Facing the Human Service Sector
Human services play an essential role in building and maintaining the health and well-being that we all need in order live up to our potential and contribute to our communities in meaningful ways. Yet a report released this week by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (Alliance) and the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) identifies important structural […]
Resolve to Reframe
Happy New Year, Reframing Network! Last year, we saw tremendous progress in the number of organizations learning about and implementing the FrameWorks Institute’s human service reframing recommendations. As you consider your goals and strategies for 2018, we hope that each of you will recommit to reframing your communications. From the ways in which we describe […]
Balancing Challenges with Solutions
Last week, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released “Race for Results“, a KIDS COUNT report that examines childhood outcomes across key indicators of economic, physical, emotional, and developmental well-being. The report found that children of color and immigrant children face particularly significant barriers to meeting key milestones for well-being. Those barriers, such as living in […]
Connecting Tax Policy to Human Services
Last week, the White House and Republican leaders released a policy framework for overhauling the tax code. Congress is now moving into the process of fleshing out the details of that framework, with the goal of passing a tax package this year. The connection between tax policy and human services is a complicated story to […]