Immigration Turmoil: Take Action Now
Immigration Turmoil: Take Action Now
By Marie Camino and Brandon Toth (Updated 6/18/18) For those of us who have been following movement on immigration, the development of the discharge petition by moderate republicans in the House gave the Dream Act a new glimmer of hope. At the very least, representatives would have had a chance to debate, amend, and vote […]
Last Chance for Dream Act Before November
By Marie Camino Human service organizations have a vested interest in a practical approach to the contentious issue of immigration policy. What better way to ensure that everyone can contribute to our communities in meaningful ways than to lift up the heart and soul of the American dream – immigrants? Immigration is wind in our […]
The Latest on Immigration Policy
NHSA supports a practical approach to immigration policy that will help everyone reach their full potential so that we can all contribute to our communities in meaningful ways. We recently released talking points to help the human service sector convey how immigration helps our economy grow with shared prosperity. While the urgency by lawmakers to […]