The Scope of Youth Confinement
The Scope of Youth Confinement
A report from The Sentencing Project, “Too Many Locked Doors,” provides stark and alarming data about the number of youth incarcerated each year, including a disproportionate number of youth of color. Additionally, the report highlights issues with official data reported, that often exclude youth being detained in facilities while awaiting trial prior to any decision […]
Unlocking Worker Well-Being: Transforming Youth Justice from the Inside Out
The sixth On the Road to Unlocked!: Investing in Our Children and Our Communities event addressed vicarious trauma in youth justice reform work, focusing on the needs and well-being of those who work in the field and exploring the idea of compassion fatigue. In the session, “Unlocking Worker Well-Being: Transforming Youth Justice from the Inside […]
Advancing Equity in Juvenile Justice
New Data on Youth Incarceration The Sentencing Project released a new report, “Black Disparities in Youth Incarceration,” showing the racial inequities that still exist in our juvenile justice system. Despite long-term declines in youth incarceration, the disparity at which black and white youth are held in juvenile facilities has grown. Black youth are more than […]
On the Road to Unlocked!: Investing in Our Children and Our Communities
The National Human Service Assembly, Youth Advocate Programs, and the Social Justice Initiative of Bryn Mawr College are pleased to host a series of live web-based events discussing what communities can do to create a robust system of care that supports, nurtures, and best serves youth and their families while keeping communities safe. Watch past sessions […]
Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe At Home and Out of Youth Prisons
The National Assembly is proud to re-release its 2017 report advocating for a shift in the nation’s approach to supporting young people in conflict with the law by growing community capacity and resources. “Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe at Home and Out of Youth Prisons,” is a publication of the National Collaboration for Youth, […]