public-policy newsletter

Protect the Johnson Amendment

March 16, 2018

Last fall, advocacy by social service nonprofit, religious, and philanthropic organizations helped prevent Congress from including a provision in the final version of the tax bill that would have repealed the Johnson Amendment. Now, your voice is needed again as Members of Congress are preparing to vote next week on the “omnibus spending bill” that will set the appropriations levels for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2018. The latest reportssuggest that that language to weaken or repeal the Johnson Amendment could be included as a rider on the final legislation.

The National Human Services Assembly strongly believes that our sector most effectively builds and maintains the well-being that allows communities to reach their potential when our resources are focused on mission-related work, not political campaigns. The human service sector should continue to be protected as advocates for the issues that affect our broader communities without the pressure of becoming entangled in partisan politics.

Take Action

  • If you haven’t already, sign the Community Letter in support of nonprofit nonpartisanship.
  • If your organization has already signed, please forward the link to your colleague organizations and encourage them to sign on.
  • We also encourage you to tweet in support of the Johnson Amendment: No anti-Johnson Amendment rider on the omnibus spending bill. #Nonprofits are effective because they focus on #CommunityNotCandidates. Keep #JohnsonAmendment
  • If you have any questions about the Johnson Amendment or the Community Letter, please contact Brandon Toth, Director of Public Policy.